Monday, December 2, 2013

The Wonder of Christmas

As Christmas comes around so do all of the old and new Christmas specials, the decorations, soft ginger cookies, good cheer, bell ringers, peppermint mocha's ahh...uh ha I guess you get the idea, everything that is wonderful... is now here! 

For years it has been the traditions of most to tell stories of Santa to small children. Telling them of flying reindeer, elf's, Christmas wishes, bright presents under the tree, filling their childlike minds with awe and wonder. Parents and many others go to great lengths to keep this childhood dream alive, that is until they "grow up" and all the wonderful dreams are shattered. The wonder in Christmas takes a hit. But then the cycle continues, the children now grown, tell their children of the man in the red suit...the circle of Christmas life.

Then you have the other side of Christmas. The wonderful story of a young virgin girl who gives birth to a son. But not any son...Gods only son. Wise men come from afar, bearing priceless gifts to the new king. Angles by the thousands fill the sky, shepherds filled with delight at the site of their king. So much awe and wonder in this story too. Children are told this story as well. But like the story of Santa, it many times becomes another nice story. The wonder in Christmas takes another hit. 

For me Christmas is truly the most wonderful time of the year. But I asked myself why? Why do I love this time so much? Is it the presents? The music? The pretty lights? Holiday drinks form Starbucks? All of these are good but no, that wasn't it. 

What I love most about this time of year is that no matter which side you are on, Baby Jesus or Santa Clause, is that Christmas is the time for the impossible. 

Everywhere you look dreams are coming true. Miracles are happening. That is what I love. But what I don't love is that these impossible "children's stories" are just that, stories.

We tell people of the impossible, getting their hopes up but then to turn around and say it's just another nice story.  Crushing faith. That we live in the "real" world.  Personally, I am sick of it. 

I don't think this season was centered around miracles and wonder by chance. I mean both pagan and religious people have a common ground! I believe that God wants to show us that nothing is impossible with Him. That hope is alive and that love can never be beaten. We must be careful not to lead those with childlike faith off into the "real" world. Where if you can't figure it out with science then it isn't true. That can kill childlike faith. 

So this Holiday season, spread wonder and joy where ever you are. Light the fire of the impossible in someones life. Tell people that there is hope! That miracles do happen...why not show them! Keep the  wonder in Christmas this year and if you want, keep the wonder all year around! Have Christmas all the time! Because it truly is the most wonderful time of the year!

Whatsoever Think...

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