Friday, August 9, 2013

Vitameatavegamin Girl

"Hello, friends, I'm your Vitameatavegamin girl! Are you tired, rundown, listless? Do you poop out at parties? Are you unpopular? The answer to all your problems is in this little bottle, Vitameatavegamin. Vitameatavegamin contains vitamins, meat, vegetables, and minerals. Yes, with Vitameatavegain, you can spoon your way to health. All you have to do is take a tablespoonful after every meal. It's so tasty, too!  It's just like candy! So, why don't you join the thousands of happy, peppy people, and get a great big bottle of Vitameatavegamin tomorrow? That's Vita-meata-vega-min!"

This has to be one of the best episodes from the I Love Lucy Show. All Lucy wants to do is be on TV, and like always it ends up in a mess and she learns her lesson...well until the next time! But that's why we love her.

My question is do you ever feel like that? Rundown and listless? In everyday life and maybe your own religion? Well let me tell you there is this bottle just kidding! Believe it or not, there is someone who has a similar speech:

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” -Matthew 11:28-30 MSG

In this passage Jesus gives us the key to live a free and light life. I know I have sad it before but the key is to come to Him. We can't live life alone, because when we do, we become tired and worn out. Jesus said that He wants to show us real rest! Have you ever experienced real rest? By the looks of it, He has called us to live a life of rest in Him. 

It is achieved by watching Him work. So that means being close to Him.  In my last post I said that we need to be by the Fathers heart.  It's also important to walk right beside Jesus to see how to live life. 

So are you tired, rundown, listless and just plain burned out? Then it's time to go for a walk with Jesus. Take His hand and see how he does it. He will show you how unforced His grace truly is. 

Why don't you join all of the "happy, peppy people" and start today? I promise you will be a lot better off than the Vitameatavegamin Girl! 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Puppy Kisses

After a long hard day I like to sit on the couch with my little poodle Rosie. I love it when she lays on my chest and sleeps next to my heart. When she was a puppy a lady told me that poodles love to hear their mothers heart beat. It clams them and makes them feel safe. Even now that she is a year old she still lays next to my heart and I love it! 

But you know what Rosie loves? Giving kisses. I am totally convinced that Rosie's "love language" is licking...and lots of it! If you give her the chance, she will lick you until it drives you crazy. 

Last week I called Rosie over to get on the couch with me. We got comfortable and started to rest, but then she just started to lick my face. I'm tired...I just want her to take a little nap with me! I tell her no and she stops. But then she started back up! I looked at her very cute face and said "Can you just sit here with me?".

Then the Lord in His sweetness spoke to my heart. He said I am like you, and you are like Rosie. I love it when we are together. But sometimes would you just sit with me and listen to my heart. The licking represents everything you could possibly bring to Me. I love it when we talk, but when was the last time your intentions where set to listen to my heart beat?

This is a beautiful picture and it rocked me! I know it's so important to get so close to the Father that you can hear his heart on what He says about me and others. Because if we don't then we can't properly love ourselves or people. Because that is the whole point of being a Christian, love. 

I double dog dared my youth group to set a time to just listen to the father's heart in the secret place. To not just hear what's on His heart but to actually hear it. When we decide to just let go and let God do Hos thing it's life changing. The supernatural is so much more real than the realm we live in. God invites us to get close, close enough to hear the beating of His heart. That is a overwhelming thought, but oh so wonderful!

So now when I snuggle on the couch with Rosie it's a reminder to go and Listen to His heart. 

"I want to sit at your feet. Drink from the cup in your hand. 
Lay back against you a breathe... feel your heart beat."

Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Lowliest of Places

This just happened a week ago! God is moving, I hope this encourages you to be revival wherever you are!

While on a treasure hunt my team went to the County Fair in our town, and we ran into a friend. She asked if we were enjoying the fair, we said yes and that we were on a treasure hunt . After a few minutes we parted ways. Our team continued to look for our treasure. After about 20 minutes this same friend came up to me kind of embarrassed “What is treasure hunting?”

I proceeded to tell her and after I was done I could see that she wanted to be a treasure. Because we are all God's treasure! I started looking at our maps and saw that her son’s name was on the list! Her son didn't need healing but she did in her knees. I then got a word of knowledge about back pain which she had as well.

We stared praying for her back and nothing happened. I then felt like her son was supposed to pray. He was really shy and barley whispered a prayer. Once he was done the mother's face was full of surprise and amazement! She felt something like oil going down her spine! She tested it out and all of the pain was gone!

I had her daughter pray for her knees, she prayed and the pain went down, but not all the way so we had her pray again. She felt the same oil in her knees! She tested it out by kneeling down in the gravel. She felt no pain!

My dad had been having pain in His foot and had so we had our friend pray for his foot. That was totally healed too!  Next one of our team members eyes felt funny. So we asked who had eye problems. The daughter couldn't see clearly far away. They prayed and her eyes were totally healed! Then the daughter prayed for the girl on our team that had eye problems and she was healed!

By this time we have gotten kinda excited and a lady who was sitting on the bleachers in the barn we were in turned around and said that she wanted prayer too! She climbed down and said she had sciatic pain. Our friend knew this lady so I had her pray, and her friend was healed instantly! Then a lady in our team said that she had the same problem. So we had the lady who was just healed pray for our team member and she was healed!  

Then we noticed the lady who had been on the bleachers had glasses on. We asked if we could pray about that too! We prayed two times and then she was healed! So she the glasses on her head like a head band! She was so excited! 

God wants to use you wherever you are! Step out across the "chicken" line and start living a supernatural life! And the greatest part is you don't have to wait until you are at church! This healing bomb went off in a barn full of pigs, goats and cows behind the bleachers next to a dumpster! God can work even in the lowliest places! 

Do you need healing or prayer? There is no distance in prayer! Nothing is impossible with God. Comment below or just receive healing in your body right now! 

Happily Ever After

I've been learning that God can speak to us any way He wants. So I was looking on my news feed and I saw a post from the Disney Princess page (yes I'm a big princess fan!):

"At the stroke of twelve, the spell will be broken and everything will be as it was before."
-Fairy godmother

This saying was from one of my favorite princess movies Cinderella. I looked at the saying that I had heard so many times and it was like I was hearing for the first time... Poor Cinderella! She had everything, great clothes, a personal carriage, a fairy godmother, true love...then she had to give it up after just a few hours. And knowing that she may never get to experience anything like that again. Then a thought hit me...

"What if it was like that with God?"

What if you have had been in a lot of pain, and then one night God shows up big and heals you from everything? But then after the stroke of 12 everything went back the way it was before? 

I have been living right in the middle of revival and when people decide to make it a lifestyle, healing and miracles are sure to follow. So I have seen people get healed, but then a few days or not even that long they are right back in the same pain that they were in before. 

Why would a good God do that? Why tease with healing, when it's not going to last?

Well let me put your mind to ease...He doesn't. He doesn't give us gifts like that only to take it back. God isn't like the fairy godmother who's magic has a expiration date. But you may say"I've been healed before but now I'm back in pain.".

Yes I know, I have experienced the same thing! But here is the deal: the enemy doesn't want you well. Because if you are, then you can serve God, holding nothing back. 

The devil just wants to see if you really want to keep your gift. 

He will try and tell you lies, that it's not real, that you are just imaging it. And if we let ourselves believe those lies, we welcome back the pain we were just set free from. 

There is a lady in my church who was healed in her neck and shoulders just a few weeks ago. She had been dealing with pain and discomfort for a long time, then God healed her! Today she told me that the pain tried to come back. But she said no, that she was healed and the pain left! 

I've talked about it before, but our confessions (words) matter so much more than we know! Hold fast to what God does in you. He is not a man that he should lie. He is a good Father. So if you have been healed, hold on to your promise. Then go release what you were given! It's too much fun! 

Be like Cinderella, when it looked bad she kept holding on to her dream. Never doubting, and she lived happily ever after.

Do you need a miracle? Do you need healing in your body? Comment below and I'll pray for you!