you ever been to the gym and you see
people who are getting fit and loosing weight? Then those you can't tell at
all that they have been working out? Well I thought about this today as I
people watched at the gym today. I saw one man who I had seen before and
noticed that after all I time I had seen him at the gym he looked the same.
Then I thought about myself. I was the same way when I first joined. But then I
changed the way I ate and eliminated gluten I lost almost 15lbs just by
changing my eating habits.
Holy Spirit started talking. As a human race we want easy and fast. So when we
want to loose weight we will get a membership go to the gym (maybe) get our
sweat on then go home and eat the same way we have always eaten (cake,
candy, chips and large portions) But in order to see a real change and to truly
get healthy we have to make sure we not only exercise but also change our
eating habits.
when we make the decision to follow God and make good choices everyday will we
see our relationship grow and strengthen.
have lived this way both in the physical and spiritual. And let me tell you it
sucks! It's frustrating, and then you want to give up and eat a big bowl of ice
you want to see awesome results in your health and spirit? Then change how you
live everyday. Yeah it hard to kill the flesh. But once the results start to
show you'll know it was worth it.
the way you think and live your life to the fullest. It will save your life in both