There I stood, after months
of searching; I was facing the Blue Door. It was beautiful in an
enchanting kind of way. Where would it take me? What opportunities and adventures
were beyond? How would it change my life?
I looked back behind me to see if they had caught up yet. I
could hear them nearing. No! They cannot
have me. I will be free! What was I waiting for? I couldn’t move. It was like something
was holding me still, forbidding me to take a step in to the new world I had
dreamed about.
I looked around me; there
stood statues of men, woman, and children. All of them had the same look on their faces,
the same look that was on my face right now. They too were reaching for the
Everything in my life up to
this point has been meaningless. I remember hearing stories about the Blue Door
and how on the other side there was something so wonderful, it must be a dream.
I was told that not many make it past the door.
The master’s beasts were
getting closer.
My heart was racing. I
didn't want to end up like them. I was able to take a step forward and another.
I was going to make it! I was going to walk through that Blue Door. As I drew
closer the door began to open a bit. I felt like the door was inviting me in,
encouraging me to step through into my new destiny.
“Ha! You thought you could
run away? What a joke! You will always be our captive!” The beasts laughed
The stone statues began to wail
and cry out things I couldn’t understand. The beasts laughed even harder. Fear started
to fill my heart.
The beasts moved closer while
cursing and laughing at me. I couldn’t move.
I looked back at the door. If
I was going to die, I was going to die looking at something beautiful. My life
had never been beautiful. Darkness and fear was all I knew.
I screamed for help and a light
burst from the door. A small, red bird came
and perched itself above the door. I felt hope and strength in my heart. At first
the beasts took a step back. They were afraid. I was able to take another step.
But my victory didn’t last long. One of the beast grabbed hold of arm, its
claws sunk in.
I fought with all I had. I
was going to live and be free. The beast seemed to be losing its strength as I came
within inches of the door. I reached out and grabbed the door. The beasts and
statues shrieked.
Looking back I saw the
beast shrinking back. I screamed that I was never going to be their slave again.
I walked through and shut it behind me.
I could feel a wonderful
heat on my back. I turned and soaked in the wonderful sight. It was full of
color and life. I saw a light shining through the trees and somehow knew it was
meant for me. I walked toward the light. My life was about to change forever.
Freedom in Christ is a choice. DO you want to be free? Walk
through the door and into Jesus’ marvelous light. It’s not too late. Take that
step. It will make the enemy furious. They will try and stop you. The great
part is that Jesus has already won. His blood paid for everything. So freedom in
any area in your life can be yours. It’s as easy as walking through a door.
Just ask Jesus for help. And you will be able to walk in a whole new world. Are
you ready? You have the opportunity to change your life forever.
Take that step…Walk through the door into marvelous light
Whatsoever Think…